Today we behold a man appear from the east by the words of prophecy. We feel the breath of life from Him. When He opens wide the gate barred up and comes in, splendid light of glory shines from His back in the wake of dawn. Dust from stones covered his body all in white; callouses formed on both his hands . One by one he broke stones and broke the deep darkness. Father Christ Ahnsahnghong, You suffered many things; You were hungry, You were cold. You humbled yourself in human form; quietly you came to earth.
Our Father Christ Ahnsahnghong led an honorable life worthy of praise. How can the KING of king and LORD of lords come down to this earth for us sinners?? Nonetheless Christ Ahnsahnghong left the heavens throne, came to this earth full of sin and death, and shined his light of eternal life on our dark souls. Christ Ahnsahnghong had to endure pain, suffering, mocking, ridicule, and even be hated by the world to give us Life.
Now how can we speak against the Most High who left EVERYTHING to give us Life!??
LUKE 23:34- Jesus said, "Father, Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
There is no one like Christ Ahnsahnghong. What mere man would devote his life to preaching and writing books of bible prophecies so that sinners may see the truth. No one only our Father how can you scrutinize a man like this? He truly is the Christ.