Putting on the Full Armor of God Ahnsahnghong: Ahnsahnghong is the new name
Putting on the Full Armor of God Ahnsahnghong
Isaiah46:11- From the EAST I summon a Bird of prey; from a FAR-OFF LAND, A MAN to fulfill my purpose. What I have said that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I DO.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Ahnsahnghong is the new name

I'm back and more surprised then before, So I asked my friend again about ahnsahnghong(i really wanted to know why that name) so he invited me to a bible study and i went. So while studying i asked why do you believe the name ahnsahnghong? And he said why do you believe the name Jesus? you know i never really thought about that before,but i told him" because its in the bible!"

he began to explain that at the time of jesus the only scriptures where the old testament, but nowhere can you the name jesus in the old testament. then, why does everybody believe jesus? how did the disciples know he was the Christ? and why didn't the jews believe in him? I had no answer for him. In order to know these answers he said we must understand Gods plan to save us.

So he began to explain how in the bible, God teaches -time limitation- (everything has a beginning and end. Ecclesiastes 3:1) So because of that God gave us 3 ages: age of the Father, age of the Son, and age of the Holy Spirit. And each age a new name for our salvation. Now my mind is running in circles: is it true is it not? So grudgingly I said that cant be true b/c it says in Romans 10:9 - that only by confessing Jesus is lord you'll be saved. So he showed me Isaiah43: 10-11 and Hosea 13:4 which both show us that the only the God is Jehovah! SO how can Jehovah be the Savior and Jesus be the Savior?! I was confused i didnt know what to say... then he turned to John 10:30- I and the Father are one! Then he told me in the trinity Father, son , and Holy Spirit are the same! but whats the difference....

The Name of Savior must change b/c of time limitation. In the age of the Father: Jehovah, In the age of the Son: Jesus, in the Age of the Holy Spirit: Ahn sahng hong (revelation 3:10-13)

So he told me now you have to study about Christ Ahnsahnghong and why he is the savior. So thats what happened to me this week and i still dont believe 100% but i am willing to find out more about ahnsahnghong: If they use the bible then i have to listen. until next time....
posted by SuperManny @ 2:04 PM  
  • At November 1, 2007 at 10:12 PM, Blogger CherubAngel said…

    I never noticed that when Jehovah God came in the Flesh he changed his name to Jesus although he could have kept the same name. I also saw that God emphasized time limitation. and then I saw in Revelation that Jesus will come with a new name.Although the name of Christ AhnSahngHong is unfamiliar, once you keep studying you will have more confirmation that Christ AhnSahngHong is the savior's name in this age.

  • At November 2, 2007 at 1:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Think about this! The "teachers of the Law" the ones that claim to know about the bible, they knew of the Messiah to come! Check this out... "When he called together the teachers of the law, he asked them where the Christ was to be born. In Bethlehem in Judea they replied..." (Mathew 2:3-5). When you see King Herod asked them where Christ was to come from THEY KNEW! but still they rejected him!! Then what about us, we are searching for second comming christ... we cannot make the same mistake!

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