My fellow Americans, lol (I always wanted to say that) I'm back and this time live and in color.
I have a little riddle for everyone: SO PAY ATTENTION :)
There is a little boy who was walking on a cruise, as a passenger came along and noticed the boy by himself. "boy, are you all by yourself on this boat?" he said. The boy responded "No! I'm the captains son." So they went together to find the Captain. Upon arrival the passenger said " Captain, is this your son?" captain response" yes thats my son!" so then the passenger turns to the little boy, " boy, is this your father?" the boys face becomes upset and says No, thats not my father."
This is the riddle now the question is: What the captain and the boy said are BOTH TRUE! :The boy is the captians son :The captain is not the boys father
But, how is that possible??????
Have fun and No cheating. (will post soon with the answer) HINT: The answer will help you understand about Christ Ahnsahnghong and Mother Jerusalem. GOD BLESS YOU. |
Ok i think ive got this one...The captain is the boy's Mother! I admit ive heard something like this before but i couldnt figure it out. Probably b/c i had a fixed concept and forgot that a child has both father and mother. In the same way we have a Father God, Christ AhnSahngHong, and a Mother God, Heavenly Mother Jerusalem.