Putting on the Full Armor of God Ahnsahnghong: Why is it so hard to believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong?
Putting on the Full Armor of God Ahnsahnghong
Isaiah46:11- From the EAST I summon a Bird of prey; from a FAR-OFF LAND, A MAN to fulfill my purpose. What I have said that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I DO.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Why is it so hard to believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong?
MOOD: Bummed, Upset :(
REASON: People
SONG IN HEAD: Mae- "This time is the last time", and "Runaway"

So heres the story, over the weekend I was able to study more about the bible and Christ Ahnsahnghong, like how he came to fulfill the prophecy of Melchizedek and HE restored the truths of Sabbath and Passover. Now Im really excited so I finally get a chance to talk to my Parents and friends.... seems like a good idea (FORGET IT. WORST IDEA EVER.) from sunday till today I have to have heard the phrase- Your in a cult,heresy, sect, your being brain-washed etc. ATLEAST 50 TIMES EACH!!! I don't know why its so hard for them to believe whats written in the bible. They all say they believe in God, but when it comes to his words they say "... but the bibles written by man." Then if the Bible is written by man why do you believe Jesus Christ!?? They have no answer. It's so sad, I really want them to hear the truth of God but they refuse. So I asked my "brother" in church why they say such things and of course God always has a consoling answer.

Ecclesiastes 1:9- What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. and Romans15:4- For everything that was written in the past is written to teach us....

God clearly lets us know that what happened in the time of Jesus( 2000 yrs ago) is an example/ lesson for us today. So what can we learn? lets see. (hopefully this will help you like it did me)

Lets make a comparison of Christ 1st coming: Jesus and Christ 2nd coming: Ahnsahnghong

Then: They called Jesus teaching Heresy and Sect. (Acts 24:5) please click link
Now: They call Christ Ahnsahnghong teachings heresy and sect.

Then: REFUSED to believe that Jesus is God. (John 10:33 and John6:42)
Now: REFUSE to believe that Christ Ahnsahnghong is God.

Then: Believed the christ should come from a Wealthy village and family not Nazareth. (John1:45-46)
Now: Believe Christ Ahnsahnghong should be from the USA or Israel, Not S.KOREA.

See, anything similar "HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF!" Then, also the bible lets us know why they act in such ignorant ways.

1. They Do not believe the Bible! (John 5:45-47)
2. They do not know GOD! (John 15:18-21 and Matt. 22:29)

Its so amazing how every example is given us in the Bible, I really hope my family and friends can listen and accept the truth. Also whoever reads please stay strong in the faith I know its hard but God allowed me to overcome.

Scriptural phrases to remember:
John 7:24-
"Stop Judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment"
John5:39- You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.

posted by SuperManny @ 12:21 PM  
  • At November 7, 2007 at 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Christ Ahnsahnghong is our savior, he came to this earth to save us.
    He accomplished all prophecy of the bible.

  • At November 7, 2007 at 9:53 AM, Blogger independencia celestial said…

    About 2,000 years ago, when jesus said that I and my Father are one, jews picked up stones to stone him even though he came down to this earth in the flesh according to the prophecy of the Bible.( If you look at the book of John 10:30, you can see.)
    At that time, jews says with there lips, we believe in God and follow the teaching of the Bible. However, they didn't recognize Jesus the Savior whom does the Bible testifies about. they rejected and persecuted him.

    Let us go back to the age of the Jesus and thing about it.
    At that time, many people saying, "How can you say that Jesus, a mere man, is God? "
    But, the apostles and disciples of the Jesus who truly believe in God, are saying "He is in very nature God."
    on the contrary, all most all the religious leaders such as the Pharisees and the teachers of the law rejected Jesus as the God.
    What is the reason?
    It was all because they didn't truly believe God's word and didn't know God whom does the bible testify. (John 5:45-47, 15:18-21)
    As a result, the apostles and disciples can go to the kingdom of heaven. but, Pharisees and the teachers who didn't believe in Jesus, are to go down into hell.

    it is the same now. nowadays, many churches didn't accept Christ Ahnsahnghong who came down to this earth to save us according to the prophecy of the Bible.(In Hebrew 9:28, as it is written, The Bible says that Christ will appear a second time to those who are waiting for Him.)
    All the 66books of the Bible testify to Christ's second coming.

    We must not turn our face from God again.
    If we want to get the salvation and go back to the kingdom of heaven, let us believe in God's word absolutely, not my judgment.
    and If we truly believe in the Bible and God, we should believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong whom does the Bible testifies.

  • At November 9, 2007 at 1:23 AM, Blogger Le0511 said…

    Why this happens is beyond me. I thought Christians liked the bible, but when it's opened, stones come flying your way left and right. Its ok, don't worry, Christ said you'll be troubled b/c of him (Matt 10:22) So Christ Ahnsahnghong let's this happen so u can overcome. And if u overcome, u get tree of life!! (Rev 2:7) Wait, did u study tree of life?? Oh well, just know..its a REALLY GOOD TREE! : )

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